Copake Falls, NY – Friends of Taconic State Park invites all to its annual celebration of the iconic blast furnace at the historic Copake Iron Works in Taconic State Park (35 Valley View Road, Copake Falls, NY) on Saturday, October 12th beginning at noon.
At this year’s gathering, the Friends Board of Directors will unveil plans to re-create the narrow gauge railroad that circumnavigated the Copake Iron Works during its 19th century heyday. After the unveiling, hamburgers and hotdogs will be served from the Iron Bar & Grill with musical accompaniment and a raffle.
Friends of Taconic State Park was established in 2008 to support cultural, recreational and educational activities within the park with the preservation of the Copake Iron Works National Heritage Area Site its priority. The group is implementing a 20-year plan to create a pre-eminent site of historic iron-making and a national destination for tourists in Copake Falls. The Copake Iron Works Visitor Center features a video documentary chronicling the history of the site and an extensively interpreted trail from the Copake Iron Works to the Bash Bish Falls, for which trail maps are available. The entire site is open for self-guided tours year-round; the Engine House Museum is open from late May to mid-November and by appointment. School tours are especially welcome.
For more information, visit www.FriendsofTSP.org or email info@friendsoftsp.org. To schedule a group tour, call 518-966-2730.
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